Even though bats are good for the environment they can very quickly become a problem in your home.
Bats are good for the environment. They feed on the bad insects, on the mosquitoes and other bugs. But unfortunately the bats guano or feces is very dangerous
Bats sometimes get into our houses, all they need is a small opening normally a chimney or a vent of some kind will do. If bats do get into your home make sure that you screen everything up except for the whole where they came in. A funnel trap would be the best way to get them out aside from calling a pest control company to get rid of them for you.
The funnel trap is simply made of hardware cloth and at one end of it is a trapdoor. The door opens out and it’s a bit oversized so it will open out and it doesn’t open back in. You can make this very easily. Make it into a cone, open at each end, the small end should not be bigger than a quarter, then take a small circular section of hardware cloth that is cut a little bit larger than the small opening, wire that in so that it is a hinge, put that in your opening. Now you have a one way exit. They can only get out, they can’t come back in.
Make sure there are no bat babies because they will die and that will be a whole other problem.
Cleaning up from bats can be a chore, make sure you either have professionals do it or make sure you are wearing the appropriate attire to safely protect yourself.
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