It is a pretty safe bet that any outside garden will have a Skunk stop by at some point.
A few ways you can tell if you have a skunk is of course the smell, a few others being sprayed pets or you find little funnel shaped holes in your yard. You can bet you probably have skunks. What they are looking for in the ground are grubs, and other sub terrain pest to eat. Skunks have the ability to hear them in the ground and they dig right where they are.
The best way to get rid of skunks is to deny them food. If you are feeding your pet outside, skunks are drawn to kibble.
Then you want to kill all of the pest that are living in the ground. The best way to do that is release beneficial nematodes. They will go down and eat the grubs, flea larva, beetle larva, termite larva. That seems to work very well.
Then you want to kill all of the pest that are living in the ground. The best way to do that is release beneficial nematodes. They will go down and eat the grubs, flea larva, beetle larva, termite larva. That seems to work very well.
If that doesn’t work and the skunk comes back and ends up spraying your pet. There is a sure fire way to get the smell out of your pet fast. All you need is 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide, a quarter cup of baking soda, and any grease cutting dish detergent, and mix it up so that it becomes like a shampoo. The mixture will cut through the grease that makes the smell, and your pet will be free of the skunk smell. Please make sure that you don’t store the shampoo the baking soda and peroxide will blow the lid off of any container.
If you have a skunk living under your house make sure you close every possible entrance under your house except one. Then at night sprinkle some wheat flour in front of the one remaining entrance and wait a little while. One you see little skunk prints leaving from under the house. Seal the remaining hole and that should make you skunk free.
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